Spinal Training Interface Group (STIG) - Host Centres Application
The organising committee of the Spinal TIG, invites centres not already registered to apply for the opportunity to host a spinal TIG fellow. This programme is an exciting curriculum-based training fellowship, combining neurosurgical and orthopaedic spinal surgical training for pre CCT fellows. Fellows are appointed by a competitive application and interview process centrally and once selected choose which centre to go to from the list of suitable centres.
At the moment we have 10 centres in the programme: Leeds, Salford/Manchester, Liverpool, Bristol, Sheffield, Birmingham, Oxford, Cardiff, Preston, Stoke on Trent.
This year we have three STIG fellows – Alex Goubran, Alexander Durst and Sheweidin Aziz undertaking fellowships in Cardiff, Sheffield and Birmingham.
For 2021-22, we have funding in England for up-to three fellows, commencing in the summer of 2021 running for a one- year period. Under GMC regulations, the fellowships are pre CCT at this time, but will change to post CCT in due course. All fellowships are administered by the Severn Deanery and under the auspices of the JCST. We do not have funding at this time for centres outside England, and any centres applying from the rest of the UK and Ireland will be required to provide their own funding for fellows.
Applications require the completion of a Hospital Application Form (HAF) which sets out to establish the joint approach of training in the centre and the support of the local post graduate dean for the fellowship.
For application forms, or any queries, please contact Mr Niall Eames (Chair of the Spinal TIG Committee) via interface@jcst.org
Thank you for supporting this exciting combined training between neurosurgery and orthopaedic surgery in the exacting discipline of spinal surgery.
The Spinal TIG Committee - October 2021
JCST - Training Interface Group
Advanced Training fellowship in Spinal Surgery (PILOT)
Applications are invited, from surgical trainees, for a pilot of two specialist registrar placements in Spinal Surgery. Each placement will be for a period of 1 year, commencing on the 1st of February 2020 or the 22nd of June 2020.
These training placements provide joint training between neurosurgery and orthopaedic spinal surgery in established spinal centres.
For information to assist you with your application including an applicant guide and job descriptions please visit:
The fellowships will be undertaken as a period of Out of Programme and are pre-certification (CCT) for the duration. If there is insufficient time to complete fellowship before CCT then training will need to be extended. Trainees will be asked to confirm the extension of CCT with their Training Programme Director (TPD) prior to the interview and the TPD will need to be one of the referees for the post.
Please note that this Fellowship is a pilot and although GMC approval is anticipated, until it has been confirmed, the programme should be undertaken as Out of Programme Training OOP(T).
Tips for submitting an application:
If you have a problem completing or submitting an application prior to the closing date please ring 01454 252610
Prior to submitting your application, save and re-open the application form and check prior to pressing the submit button. This will allow you time to review your completed application and check for any discrepancies.
Submit your application no later than 30 minutes before the deadline.
If you are in the process of completing an application at the point of closure a warning message will appear and you will not be able to submit the application or retrieve any of the data input.
Managed by Health Education England (Severn) on behalf of the JCST
Any questions from interested trainees can be directed to sevrecruitment.sw@hee.nhs.uk

Niall Eames MD FRCS Tr Orth - Consultant Spinal Surgeon
UK Spinal Training Interface Group project lead
Spinal surgery has evolved significantly in the UK over the last 70 years, into a subspecialty in its own right. The establishment of Regional Spinal Networks across the country is part of the wider changes happening within the NHS, mirroring the setting up of trauma and cancer networks, all of which are aimed at improving patient care.
Training is central to any profession. To be successful, training must be of the best standard possible. Standardisation of curricula reduces variation in clinical practice. The Interface Training Group model provides the opportunity for curriculum based training between two specialities providing overlapping clinical care.
Neurosurgery and Orthopaedic surgery have come together to put forward a proposal for a Spinal Training Interface Group. Both specialities treat spinal conditions. Neurosurgeons are expert on skull base and intradural work. Orthopaedic surgeons understand bone biology and instrumentation at a high level. The amalgamation of both specialities is a natural progression to advance the training of future spinal surgeons in the UK and Ireland.
This proposal is the combined work of the neurosurgical and orthopaedic spinal communities in the UK. As such, it represents our view of the way forward for training in spinal surgery in the UK and has the backing of our combined societies and professional bodies.
Full STIG Announcement - June 2019.pdf
STIG Hospital Application Form - June 2019.doc
STIG Update Poster - June 2018.pdf
STIG Personal Specification (final version) - May 2018.pdf
T&O Quality Indicators (final version) - May 2018.pdf
Neurosurgery Quality Indicators (final version) - May 2018.pdf
STIG Proposal Document - April 2017.pdf